The best outfits to storm Area 51 in

(Disclaimer: don't really storm Area 51, they CAN and WILL stop you all. I take no responsibility for your actions) For years we've all had our suspicions of what's out there in the desert. Is it dolphins with lasers in a big tank, a portal to another dimension or...ALIENS? In September, there is more than two million people that have pledged to storm Area 51. I'm sure you've all been wondering what to wear, should you revisit the Coachella outfit from May (that aesthetic is always fire), should you camou up and try to blend in? The possibilities are overwhelming and endless. But, I've got you covered. Fear not, the AREA 51 look-book is here (you're welcome). 1.Blue Yip-Yip costume You'll be a lot harder to track if you look like one of the residents of Area 51. Dash through the desert in the this flowing fringe bottom costume. SO.MAJESTIC. 2.Alien Costume Embrace the meme, your Instagram is gonna ...