Haunted US Road trips: Baltimore,Maryland


     Autumn is approaching, faster than some would like.  But with fall coming, it opens up a whole opportunity for fun travel opportunities you may have not thought of yet, such as Baltimore.
     A very old American city which saw it's first European settlers in roughly 1659, this city has beautiful a vast array of architecture and atmospheric historic sites that will not only allow you to step back in time for a while, but also immerse yourself in mysterious haunted places.
The first Destination is the U.S.S. Constellation on Pier 1
     Built in 1854, this was last sail ship designed and built by the US navy.  The ship was in services until 1954 where it was retired and preserved as a museum ship.This USS Constellation is docked in the Inner Harbor of Baltimore and there have been reports of frightening noises as well as full body apparitions that people on tours mistakenly thought were employees of the ship!  For more information 

The Second destination is the Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum
    Built in 1830, this was the home of the author who wrote some of the most terrifying works of literature the world had seen.  He only resided here from 1833-1835 with his wife a a few other family members.  Witnesses and employees of the museum don't actually think Poe haunts this house, but other spirits.  There have been reports of a residual haunting of an old woman, reports of feeling touched then turning to find no one there and poltergeist type activity with windows and doors often slamming on their own.  For more information, visit: http://www.poeinbaltimore.org/museum/


The third destination is Westminster Hall and Burying Ground
     This is where the elite and famous are buried in Baltimore. Established in 1786, it is the final resting site of Edgar Allan Poe which we just talked about in the above location and veterans all the way back from the revolutionary war.  This place seems to be a hot bed of paranormal activity, everything from disembodied voices to dark mysterious figures.  People have suspected when some graves were moved for the church to be built in the burying grounds it caused unrest for the departed.   For more information to visit these grounds go to: https://www.law.umaryland.edu/Westminster/Tours-and-History/


Here are some helpful links for your trip to Baltimore:
https://baltimore.org/article/ghost-tours-and-haunted-places-baltimore Visit Baltimore's list of haunted places

Baltimore's Harbor Haunts (click on photo for link)

111 Places in Baltimore That You Must Not Miss (111 Places in .... That You Must Not Miss) (click on photo for link)

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