Stunning Gothic wedding accessories to add to your alternative event


      So you want to have a gothic wedding?  That's amazing!  The accessories in this article can help you add accessories that will make your wedding even more special.  The majority of these are budget-friendly, and all tie into a Gothic/alternative aesthetic.

1. Black Silky skull garter belt

This garter features a small little skull on the bow that really adds the dark aesthetic to the belt.  The silky black material and lace are both feminine and Gothic.

2. Starry Rhinestone Tiara

     This Rhinestone Filled tiara gives witchy mystic vibes that goes along beautifully with a Gothic wedding.  This is the ideal bling for someone who wants a spooky infused wedding but also some sparkle.

3.Blue and white skull Heels

This shoe is a show stopper, with the vertebrae shaped heel and the all-over skulls and roses print, these shoes walk the line between elegant and awesomely creepy.

4.Black cathedral veil with comb

     This veil is a wonderfully classic wedding element, but with that signature Gothic twist.  It attaches via a comb in the back, so you could even layer a few accessories along with it.  The lace detail really adds to the dramaticism of the veil and adds to its elegance as well.

5.Dramatic Gothic winged skeleton necklace and earrings

    This necklace has rhinestones galore PLUS skeletons with bat wings.  This is a great and budget-friendly set for the bride looking for dramaticism and skulls.

     What are your thoughts on these accessories?  Leave your thoughts and comments below!

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